TA-65MD® BioEnhanced Telomerase Activator 100-Units (30 capsules)


You have heard of TA-65 benefits, now get TA-65 for only $100.
The larger bottles have 250-Units of TA-65, while the new TA-65 Bioenhanced has 100-Unit bottles.
Available in 30-capsules bottle.


Affordable TA-65 to try!  The new 30 capsule bottle has the same patented telomerase activation ingredient in the larger bottles of TA-65 has provided for years..

Watch Suzanne Somers, one of America’s most popular and beloved personalities, talks about TA-65

The TA-65 Bio-Enhanced 100 Unit bottle was made specifically for affordability to those clients that found it difficult to purchase the larger bottles of TA-65 on a monthly basis. The larger bottles have 250 Units of TA-65, while the new TA-65 Bioenhanced has 100 Unit bottles.

Regular TA-65 250Units products are made to be taken at certain dosages in a 3-6 month period, and the lower dose TA-65 Bio-Enhanced 100 Unit provides benefits when taken for a longer period of time as part of a daily set of vitamins for your well being. The new data that we will be providing soon also suggests that the TA-65 BioEnhanced 100 Unit bottle and other TA-65 products are better than previously thought. The ingredient remains the best tested telomerase activator in the world.

A double-blind, placebo controlled study of TA-65®MD has also been proven to:

    • rejuvenate the immune system,
    • improve sexual enhancement,
    • accelerate wound healing,
    • thicken hair,
    • improve skin appearance
    • increase bone density
    • and more

Live the lifestyle that promotes healthy telomeres and longer cell life.
The telomere length is an indicator of how healthy you are as you get older.
Let  TA-65®MD  prolong or grow back your telomeres.